프로젝트 1

도시 재생 전략

Urban Renewal Strategies

* 과제내용 : GOALS To propose strategies for the urban redevelopment of the 2 study areas in Icheon-dong and Jamsil. To increase students literacy on relevant contemporary urbanism strategies through case studies. To develop a framework capable of articulating your architectural proposals in the next steps of the studio. We will work at two scales: the scale of the urban systems within which our sites are located, and the housing estates themselves.* 포스트내용 : DELIVERABLESA) Diagrams of proposed urban systems: Interpolate your case studies on your study areas, focusing on specific layers as separate urban systems: Circulations (consider subsystems: pedestrians, public transportation, bicycle lanes, vehicular, delivery, etc.) Public space networks Programs (consider which: commercial, leisure, work, etc.) BuildingsSustainable strategies B) 1/750 scale model of your site, developing how these urban proposals could impact the site. Focus on: Circulations and parking strategies Edge conditions: relationship with the context. BuildingsArticulation of the ground plane
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