The purpose of this exercise is to develop design intentions and intervention strategies based on your first impressions, analysis and positions about the study area. We will follow these steps, in teams of three students:
1. Develop the narrative of a plausible future scenario for the study area.
2. Decide as a group what are the issues of the area you are going to focus on from a spatial point of view, and where should they be located. The concept of ‘commons’ will be used to frame the selection of issues.
3. Propose urban strategies capable of addressing those issues in a gradual manner.
4. Define a timeline for the implementation of your urban intervention over time. This is, how are you going to stage change in the area over time: which strategies and in what order? Is it something that will take place all at once, or is it divided in short, mid and long-term phases?
5. Propose three building sites –one for each member of your group- that support your urban intervention.