1.SITE ANALYSIS Libraries started from the role of storage. Archives that only hold records turned libraries into places for academic research, and people began to use them. Consumption and production of information began to take place in libraries, but in the past, libraries were not yet free to use. But in modern times, libraries have become available to anyone, thereby opening up the public to consume information. However, the production of information is not yet public, and I think the programs needed for future libraries should be the public production of information. I saw some possibilities of public production in our site. Because various types of places are gathered on the site. Featured places like Bukchon Hanok Village, Gyeongbokgung Palace, and Insadong Ssamjigil increase the number of people who move around the site and create different accesses. Based on various characteristic places, various people gather on the site. Residents of Bukchon Hanok Village, office workers near the Twin Towers, and tourists who come to tour cultural heritage sites such as Gyeongbokgung Palace all operate and move around the site. These people come of different ages, occupations, and nationalities, amplifying the diversity of site users.
2.CONCEPT In the past, the spaces where information consumption and production took place were independent, and the subjects that consumed and produced the information were also independent. In order to produce popular information, the consumption of popular information must occur at the same time, and for this, the consumption and production of information need to take place in the same space. In modern times, such a space is represented by the Internet. The concept of this library is to bring the Internet space where anyone can consume and produce information into reality. Therefore, I decided on the concept of the library as the creative library. In this library, the space is largely divided into three themes: archive, consumption, and production. This archive, consumption, and production correspond to the past, present, and future, respectively, in the history of the library. I imagined three activities taking place in a single space called the library: archive, consumption, and production.
3.PROGRAM PROPOSAL When I came up with the library’s programs, I categorized them into four main categories. It was largely divided into three categories: archive, consumption, and production, and the serving area that subsidizes these programs. Within these four categories, we arranged archives, digital archives, galleries, reading areas, classrooms, studios, study rooms, publishing rooms, cafes, lounges, and offices. These programs have different lighting requirements and accessibility. So, to determine the opening of a space, we put them together in two axes: lighting and accessibility requirements.
4.MASS & MATERIAL In first step of mass development, two buildings were added to the existing building to express and share three spaces: past (archive), present (consumption), and future (production). And to smoothly connect the large level difference between Songjung-dong and existing buildings, I created stepping on the two masses I added. Next step, in the facade of the existing building, the first floor was made into a piloti space so that visitors could see the activities inside the library well and actively enter the interior space of the library. Finally I connected three buildings with an atrium to create a flow line between the three buildings and to allow free exchange of gaze between the three buildings. At the same time, we created a large void to allow sunlight to fall into the piloti space on the first floor. Based on this developed mass, the existing building was set as a past mass that served as an archive, and the long mass looking at modern buildings was set as the future, and the mass entering the green area of Songjung-dong was set as the present. For the envelop of this library i had to choose material. I wanted to use a material that was clearly distinguished, giving it a similar feel to the brick that was used. So the material I used for the two new buildings is terracotta tile. It’s made from the same raw material as the brick, and there’s a grid that gives it a similar feel. So I thought it was the right material because it was clearly distinguished by the color. And the current and future programs needed different lightings and accessibility, so i had to make a difference in how they opened. So i decided to make teracotta tiles into louvers on the faces of future programs and put them on glass. This louver also showes the program behind it by dencity.
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