Our site is surrounded by various spaces. There are Gyeongbokgung Palace in the west, Songhyeon Park in the east, Bukchon Hanok Village and various galleries in the north, and Twin Towers and commercial buildings in the south. Our site is a place where many tourists naturally visit and pass. Tourists will experience traditional Korean culture in Gyeongbokgung Palace, heal in parks, and do several cultural activities in galleries and museums. The existing building faces Gyeongbokgung Palace. First of all, I researched the history of Gyeongbokgung Palace.
Gyeongbokgung is a representative palace during the Joseon Dynasty. Gyeongbokgung was built with the theory of Feng Shui. The city was planned axis between two powerful mountains in Seoul, Bukaksan and Gwanaksan, and Gyeongbokgung's axis also follows this axis. The architectures of Gyeongbokgung Palace have various geometric characteristics based on this axis.
Gyeongbokgung Palace is the king's palace during the Joseon Dynasty. Gyeongbokgung has various spaces, such as a king's office, a diplomatic space, a garden, a king's private space, a king's food space, and an educational space for his son. The spaces with various functions of Gyeongbokgung Palace in the past appear as various buildings around the current site.
This diagram showing the size and density of museums and galleries in the 1.5 km area around the site. There are many museums and galleries around the site. However, there are few places related to traditional Korean food. There were museums related to kimchi and museums related to traditional Korean liquor, but their scale was very small. Therefore, I focused on this and decided to add programs related to traditional Korean food to the library.
The mass was matched in shape by respecting the existing program. The newly added mass and the existing mass were matched up again. And the horizontal mass was reduced to increase accessibility to the green area between the buildings, and the height was also reduced for the new mass landscape.
Through this type of matchup, I created three programs: library, community, and cooking.
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