프로젝트 3

최종 검토 06/09

Final Review 06/09

The main goal of this final Task is to produce a final presentation which describes the designs in a comprehensive way; updating the materials produced until now to reflect the latest developments of the design proposals. These presentation materials are not just a list of deliverables to be ticked off. They should be used in a strategic way to produce a narrative (tell a story) that explains each student’s interpretation of the idea of ‘Children House’, by: A. Producing new presentation materials – views and a model. B. Updating previous materials if necessary – plans, sections, diagrams. C. Composing the panels and building a presentation narrative from all the materials produced during the semester. As a general rule, presentations should not be structured like a timeline of the studio, from beginning to end. A design is not explained following the sequence of steps taken to produce it, but rather by developing a narrative through storytelling.
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