프로젝트 4

최종 검토


The main goal of the Final Review is to update your design proposals based on the developments of the tectonic phase, and to produce presentation materials for the Final Review. In this phase students are required as well to design their presentation panels. Students will have to work in advance on the layout of the panels, and develop a graphic language that is consistent with your project and really helps to push the main concepts, in terms of: - Composition of the panels - Graphic style of the drawings - Fonts used - Titles - Color Palette - Etc. In order to furnish a compelling storytelling of the project. A.TEAM URBAN STRATEGIES – (digital presentation on screen / horizontal format / 5 minutes max.) 1.VERY BRIEF SUMMARY OF URBAN SCENARIOS – no scale. 2.MAPPING CONCLUSIONS. Brief selection of the most important analysis maps which support each team’s proposals – 1/4,000 – 1/2,000 scale. 3.URBAN STRATEGIES proposal. In plan or axonometric. Include the location of the individual sites for each member of the team - 1/4,000 – 1/2,000 scale. 4.TIMELINE of implementation. Diagram short, midterm and long-term planning, trigger events, temporal implementations, and actors involved at each stage – no scale. 5.URBAN DISTRICT PLAN (지구단위계획) – 1/1,000 – 1/500 scale. 6.TWO EYE-LEVEL VIEWS featuring atmospheric representations of team’s urban strategies inserted in actual physical context – no scale. B.INDIVIDUAL MATERIALS – ( 6 A1 maximum printed panels & physical models / 5 minutes max.) 1.SITE PLAN: Showing parcel / roof plan (1,500 – 2,000m2) in relationship to urban context & team strategies – 1/500 scale. 2.BUILDING PLANS & SECTIONS: a.1/200 scale b.Ground floor at 1/200 scale has to include: surrounding buildings / context; landscape and vegetation; paving materials; furniture; accesses and people. c.Proposals are deeply embedded within the built environment, so drawings are required to show buildings within their context, both in plan and section. 3.PROJECT DIAGRAMS (the main materials of the design studio are architectural drawings. Limited diagrams are needed for the topics below but they should always be secondary to scale drawings): a.Programs b.Circulations c.Spatial analysis of the context 4.TECTONIC – shrink them to ½ scale so they fit in your final proposal. a)Overall structural system axonometric – 1/200 scale. b)Construction system axonometric section detail: detail of a relevant part of the building – 1/50 scale. c)Design of main façade – 1/100 scale. 5.EYE-LEVEL VIEWS: a)1 Interior. b)1 Exterior. Showing relationship of building with surrounding context and team’s Urban Strategies. 6.SOCIAL CONDENSER MODEL. Include surrounding context – 1/200 scale. 7.ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: cast plaster model, progress models, collages, material tests, etc.
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